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Andrew Ambrosius invites you to The Art of Business English (AOBE). The premier podcast for Spanish speakers who wish to improve their business English skills and confidence. Listen in as guests discuss their business experience and the ups and downs of learning English as a second language and applying it to their trade. These compelling interviews reveal how even the best had to go through the often daunting task of learning a second language. Be inspired as they share their stories and show us all that anyone with the desire and focus can work with international clients of all levels. In up-close-and-personal candid conversations, inspirational and empowering business leaders uncover the raw truth behind their business and their beginnings. Andrew asks those penetrating questions we all want to ask like , how can I overcome my fears and do business in English, even when I think my level is too low? What were the breakthroughs and sometimes breakdowns that got you to where you are now? And how have you overcome your fears and self doubt? This inspirational and uplifting show also gives listeners the opportunity to learn with our guests, as Andrew offers interesting tips and insight into how even the best can improve their business English skills. One of a kind and unique in every aspect. Welcome to The Art of Business English. 

Jan 28, 2020

In this week’s episode of The Art of Business English I am going to be showing you some very useful collocations that you can use in your next planning meeting. Strategic planning is essential for business, so why not learn these equally essential collocations for your next important planning meeting.

Firstly, I am...

Jan 20, 2020

Welcome to another episode of The Art of Business English. Are you looking for some phrasal verbs that you can use in your next business meeting? If so, then today I have got you covered with a hand picked selection of ten phrasal verbs that are perfect for you to use in your next meeting.

If you have been learning...

Jan 14, 2020

​It's the start of a new year and a new decade and as one does, I too have been undertaking some planning and outlining the way forward for The Art of Business English into the new year. 

​​After much thought and careful planning I can now share you the 2020 road map for AOBE (well the first 3 months anyway)....

Jan 7, 2020

​Welcome to 2020, a new year and a new decade. This week I have got you covered with ten expressions that you can start to use in business in 2020. 

​​Firstly, you will see that I have divided the episode into 3 parts. First, I give the expressions, then I define it and finally I give you an example sentence to...

Jan 2, 2020

This week we broadcast live from Perth Western Australia. Andrew is joined once again by his brother-in-law, Jamie Henderson, where they discuss some things to consider if you are planning on doing business in Australia.